
Opinions on Childhood Obesity

Linda Bailey:
  • "Even though nearly three quarters of children have a healthy weight, this year’s findings once again highlight the stark difference in child growth depending on where children live. We know there are higher rates of overweight and obese children living in our poorer communities." (28.5 per cent of children living in the most deprived areas of Wales were overweight or obese compared to 22.2 per cent in the least deprived areas.)

Dr. Tracey Cooper - Chief Executive of Public Health Wales:
  • "We are grateful to all the families that allowed their children to take part in this valuable piece of work."
  • "We have much to do to tackle the high rates of children above a healthy weight in Wales, especially in our most deprived communities.
  • "We will team up with partners across Wales to work more closely with families and communities to improve people’s health where they live, learn, work and play.
  • "We will do more to focus on improving health and wellbeing in the early years, where we know we can have the biggest impact."

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